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  Faced with a faster drop in the unemployment rate than expected (we are already at 7% ahead of schedule) .。.

  ... 美联储(Federal Reserve)将被迫缩减经济刺激政策.。.

  ... the Federal Reserve will be forced to back off its stimulus efforts .。.

  ... 结果造成利率上升,不到一个月,利率上升了3个百分点。

  ... causing interest rates to spike, up three percentage points in less than a month。

  于是,持有大量债券的美国五大银行将损失550亿美元。光这些,不会让我们陷入金融危机。比如,身为《财富》美国500强公司的美国银行(Bank of America)的资本充足率将仍将达到7.4%,略低于7.5%的法定要求。

  The nations five largest banks, which hold lots of bonds, will lose $55 billion. That alone wouldnt push us into a financial crisis. Bank of America (BAC, Fortune 500), for instance, would still have a capital ratio of 7.4%, just south of the required 7.5%。


  But you know what will? The blow up of a large credit hedge fund, which had made a leveraged bet on collateralized debt obligations through repo-to-maturity trades using Treasuries as collateral. (Yes, Wall Street still does those deals。)


  Already nervous investors will run from financial markets .。.


  ... causing a credit crunch。


  Banks nursing their recent capital losses will be forced to turn to the Fed for what Wall Street calls short-term funding and the rest of us call a bailout. It will work, but all of it will come as a surprise to investors who have bid bank stocks up 30% in the past year. Next year wont be as good。



·全球新一轮降息潮涌 美联储“入营”在即[2024-09-18] 
·全球央行明年将开启降息 中国一季度降息预期亦升温[2023-12-25] 
·06纺配招标公告公布 樊敏.
· 眼光放在本土上——奥特莱斯.
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